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How to Lose Weight with Smoothies

Does it seem like your busy life makes losing weight difficult and fueling unhealthy choices?

I used to feel like that too… I mean, who has time to cook and eat the “healthy way” we know we should? and how can I be at my best when I'm constantly feeling hungry?

Living life on the go, it turned out that to succeed with my weight loss journey, I needed to:

  • Enjoy my food - otherwise, I'll have a hard time adopting the habit
  • Avoid spending lots of precious time on prepping, cooking, and even eating!

How could that be possible?

When I discovered that I could save time using homemade smoothies, and how I can lose weight with smoothies, it opened the door for me to shed extra pounds easily.

Without those sugar cravings, without feeling constantly hungry, and… I never saw my old weight again.

Today I’m going to share my smoothie fat burning diet plan and recipes that could fit easily into your busy lifestyle.

… and they’re delicious, too!

I've also discovered recently that there's a complete, easy-to-follow plan and personal coaching called "The Smoothie Diet" by health coach Drew.

I wish I had known about this one during my years of struggle with excess weight!

weightloss smoothie with berries and mint

What is a Weight Loss Smoothie?

A beverage you can make at home, combining ingredients that are perfect to your taste while being low calorie and rich in healthy nutrients.

If you’re on a quest to slim down or maintain a healthy weight, then the typical contents of your smoothies should be 2-3 cups of vegetables or packed leafy greens and 2 pieces of fruit.

The number of vegetables should always be larger than the fruits. Making a smoothie that's dominantly fruit means it would contain too much fruit sugar (fructose), which isn't diet-friendly!

In this guide, we’ll show you exactly what fat-busting ingredients are best to use and what to avoid. You’ll also get our own personal smoothie recipes to help you get started.

How Do Weight Loss Smoothies Work?

First, I’m going to be real with you…

Drinking smoothies isn’t a magic bullet guaranteed to drop pounds of fat. I’ve seen it again and again, how great results rely on combining good nutrition, enough exercise, and proper rest and relaxation.

Having said that, there are several features that are common to fat-busting smoothies, and they're the secret behind their effectiveness:

  1. Low-calorie ingredients
  2. Serve as a meal replacement shake or as a way to avoid unhealthy snacks between meals
  3. Contain protein or other ingredients that help you feel fuller for longer, so you're less tempted to eat more or binge
  4. You choose the ingredients, so they perfectly cater to your taste. The result is you’ll enjoy them and want to continue with this healthy habit.

Why Smoothies Help You Lose Weight

There are several main reasons why smoothies are an amazing tool to help you shed excess pounds:

Smoothies Can Be Nutrient-Dense

A “nutrient-dense” food is packed with micronutrients while being relatively low in calories. Since your cells crave nutrients, drinking nutrient-dense smoothies can help reduce your appetite.

Keep in mind that not all smoothies are created equal. If you prepare a smoothie that has high sugar ingredients, it will mess with your energy and your fat-loss goals.

serving of green diet smoothie

In fact, when it comes to smoothies, the first thing that comes to people’s minds is usually fruit. I’m going to bust that myth here and say right up front that an exclusively-fruit smoothie is not a good idea due to its high sugar content.

No worries, though, as vegetable-based smoothies can be just as delicious. It might come as a surprise to many people, but it is actually one of the strongest points of smoothies.

The Fun Factor - Enjoying Your Smoothie Diet

Smoothies provide a rare opportunity to enjoy extremely delicious food while eating healthy and supporting your weight loss efforts.

For example: if we are challenged by the taste of a healthy ingredient such as kale, a great way to mask its taste is to combine it in a kale smoothie.

I believe we should thoroughly enjoy our healthy nutrition and feel that we're only eating food that's delicious to our taste!

If you want my actual recipes for delicious weight loss smoothies, just click here to get them.

Also, many confuse smoothies with juices, and it is important to understand the difference, and to stick with smoothies if you want to lose weight more effectively.

Including vegetables in the smoothie is part of the secret of fat loss, as you’ll see in a minute.

Smoothies are Easy and Realistic to Incorporate Into Your Lifestyle

Have you tried “diets” which require lots of food prep, time to eat, and carrying containers of food with you all day?

Most people can’t sustain the work it takes to eat healthily every day, but blending a couple smoothies to drink throughout the day is very practical.

No stove-top required, and you won’t need a 30-minute break to chew through a giant salad. In fact, if you don’t like salads, you’ll never need to eat salad again.

I can tell you that when I learned how to make tasty green smoothies, it finally opens the doors for me, to eat vegetables in the quantity I needed, and actually enjoy it!

What is a Green Detox Smoothie?

We are surrounded by toxins and contaminants - in our food, water, and hygiene products, to name a few.

Unless our daily nutrition is rich in raw vegetables and fruits and low on processed food, then our body finds it extremely difficult to get rid of these toxins.

In fact, these pollutants and toxins are attracted to our body's fat cells and stored there.

As we're exposed to more toxins, our body tries to protect our organs from the toxins by producing more fat to store them!

When you cleanse your body to get rid of toxins, you stop this process of producing more fat, so the question now is - how to it in an effective, healthy, and easy way?

A smoothie made of fresh veggies and fruit is a great way to do it and relieve you from the need to use dubious methods such as starvation cleanses or detox supplements.

An easy to make a homemade smoothie is what your body needs to be able to use its ability to detox itself effectively.

What is a Meal Replacement Shake?

A shake (vs. smoothie) is a low-calorie beverage, usually thinner than a smoothie, and comes in flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, or peanut butter.

It’s almost always high in protein to help you feel fuller for longer to minimize binge eating.

The idea sounds great - replace a high-calorie meal with a low-calorie shake.

However, going for a store-bought meal replacement shake powder is usually not the healthiest choice. It contains highly processed ingredients and loaded with added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

You can easily make a shake at home using fresh vegetables and fruit while adding protein powder with your preferred flavors such as vanilla or chocolate. My favorite is Sunwarrior, which is vegan and naturally sweetened with Stevia.

Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

Smoothies are known as one of the most effective and fun ways to help fight those extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

You just need to know what the right ingredients are to include and what to avoid. The simple smoothie recipes here have been crafted with this in mind.

berry smoothie recipes for weight loss

The three recipes here cover you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They're taken from my free eBook, which you can download using the green button below.

What Makes a Smoothie Recipe Fat Loss Friendly or Fat Burning?

  • The ingredients you include in it - be sure to include a good amount of protein as well.
  • Low fat: a green vegetable smoothie is by nature low-fat, though as far as taste goes, you can use the tips and techniques in the guide to make it taste exactly as you love it. Having said that, including healthy fats in your smoothie would actually help with fat loss! My favorites are flaxseed, chia, and cold-pressed coconut oil.
  • Timing: breakfast, snack, or meal replacement - consuming a smoothie as your breakfast is a proven way to feel fuller for longer, avoiding hunger pangs, avoiding snacking, and larger lunch portions. Replacing one other meal with a healthy smoothie would also mean you're getting a nutrient-rich meal but without the extra calories.

Do you want to get ALL my original smoothie recipes & a smoothie diet plan for weight loss? Click here to download them.

Healthy Smoothie FAQ

Are smoothies good for weight loss?

Nutritionists believe that incorporating nutrient-dense smoothies into your diet can help you lose weight. It helps keep your hunger in check and promotes weight loss due to the filling fiber and muscle-building protein that can be added into the smoothies.

Can you lose weight by drinking smoothies for breakfast?

Instead of eating junk for breakfast or skipping it altogether, you can substitute those bad foods for a smoothie. It can aid in weight loss. However, for long term weight control, you want to add in more exercise and develop a healthier approach to eating.

How many smoothies a day should you drink to lose weight?

Some suggest that you should prepare and drink two smoothies a day as meal replacements when you are trying to lose weight. Your last meal is left entirely up to you; however, it should still be lower in calories.

What makes a smoothie recipe fat loss friendly or fat burning?

When making smoothies for weight loss, you want to make sure they are packed full of ingredients that are going to fill you up and offer you a boost of energy. Smoothies should also be combined with exercise and portion control for maximum effectiveness.

To make a smoothie recipe fat loss friendly and fat burning, make sure to incorporate a good amount of healthy fats, quality protein, and fiber. All of these will keep your energy up and your cravings away, which makes it easier to stay on track and lose weight.

When adding coconut oil into a smoothie, should it be in liquid or solid form?

When coconut oil is in an environment that is below 76 degrees, it tends to harden. So, it is best to add your coconut oil to your smoothie when it is in a liquid form to help prevent it from hardening in the cooler temperatures.

Should I add milk or juice to my smoothies?

Milk is a good way to create a creamy texture for your smoothie. It is also packed with protein, calcium, and other essential vitamins and minerals. However, it can also add fat and calories, so you need to be mindful of this when you are making smoothies for weight loss. If you still want to use milk, you should consider trying skim milk or other low-fat milk.

What should I avoid adding to my smoothies?

While there are many foods you can add to your smoothie, there are a few things you may want to avoid. Leafy greens like baby spinach can offer you some balance with fruit in a smoothie and can help keep you from overindulging on calories.

Plain Greek yogurt is also good for a creamy and thicker consistency. However, fibrous and stringy veggies should be avoided. Celery, fennel, snap peas, and string beans, for example, will not blend well and should definitely be avoided.

Are homemade smoothies better for you?

When you make your own smoothies at home, you have full control over what you are putting into them. This means you can add the high-quality proteins you want along with plant milks, and healthy fats. You can also avoid the excess sugar and high calories that often come with store-bought smoothies.

What liquids work best in smoothies?

If you want a thicker smoothie, you should use less liquid. Filtered water or spring water, almond milk, coconut milk, coconut water, organic fruit juices, freshly squeezed juice, and kefir are all good liquids to use in your smoothies if you are looking for a healthier smoothie to help with your weight loss goals.

What is The Smoothie Diet?​

A customized weight loss plan developed by certified health coach (CHC, AADP) and nutrition expert, Drew Sgoutas.

This is a 3-week program that uses smoothies as the base for losing weight and maintaining a healthy body weight for the long term.

You get everything you need to succeed and lose weight - from recipes, shopping lists, and motivation, to personal access to health coach Drew for any questions or help you might need.

For Drew’s video explaining how this diet works, click on the link below:​


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