Once you hit the age of 40, your health and wellness game will change a bit. No longer can you take on fad diets at whim, or lose a dress (or pant) size in a week. Instead, your changing body will take a bit more care and focus to keep healthy. It’s a long and steady road at this point, filled with SMART goals and preventative care. That doesn’t mean that it’s a dire case. There are many keys to maintaining your health after 40. They range from the obvious (don’t eat too many sweets) to the more specific (add strength training to your exercise routine.) With all of the changes you need to make to your everyday health routine in your 40s, it may seem daunting to try to mix those new focuses in with the Keto Diet. But, in actuality, the opposite is true! The keto diet actually supports many of the tips, tricks, and recommendations for your health after 40. While it would take hours to delve into all of them, here are just a few examples of how the Keto Diet supports your health over 40. ...